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Joined: May 20, 2022 2:56 am
Topics: 4 / Replies: 47
RE: Bitter Cold Holidays 2022

Quote from CCjon on December 23, 2022, 8:38 am It's 15 degrees here in Houston area this morning, cannot imagine what it must be like for our sideca...

2 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 122
RE: sidecar pictures

@Mick Boon, it was all in jest...a joke....and I believe everyone other that you understood it was a joke. My sidecar rig is now back in its' own ga...

2 years ago
RE: sidecar pictures

Quote from Mick Boon on December 17, 2022, 12:10 pm Quote from 64deville on December 17, 2022, 5:52 am Ran into the same problem It all look...

2 years ago
RE: sidecar pictures

To stack....or Not to stack...that is thee question ? Just having a little fun, wondering "IF" it was possible, not plausible, but possible to stack...

2 years ago
RE: New Gen 3 Dream sidecar by Hannigan

Now DONE with all the wanted/needed maintenance issues, and improvements to my new sidecar, these past 4 days I have slowly been making some changes/i...

2 years ago
RE: Looking for sources to buy mounts/ clamps

Rick, now that TSC...Texas Sidecar Company, has bought out the remnants of DMC, they may be able to help you with mounts and clamps to fit that DMC M-...

2 years ago
RE: New Gen 3 Dream sidecar by Hannigan

Thane, currently there are two olde goats that come with the ranch, plus 7 olde chickens. The plan is that once all the outdoor critters have gone to ...

2 years ago
RE: Introduce Yourself!

Sir John Bacon, here are a couple links for you to view. Champion Sidecars, and their Avenger sidecar with a door.....and Hannigan Sidecars, with thei...

2 years ago
RE: Introduce Yourself!

Sir John Bacon, great-great grandson of Sir Francis Bacon, there are a couple sidecars out there currently that have a door on the side, to make entry...

2 years ago
RE: New Gen 3 Dream sidecar by Hannigan

@CCjon, you know you want to live closer to DRONE, and live in The Great Pacific Northwest, where there are more sidecar owners than any other region ...

2 years ago
RE: New Gen 3 Dream sidecar by Hannigan

Given the weather we have had in The Great Pacific NorthWET, I decided to put my rig inside my shop, and do a few things to it. Time for a 30,000 mi...

2 years ago
RE: sidecar pictures

Given the weather we have had in The Great Pacific NorthWET, I decided to put my rig inside my shop, and do a few things to it. Time for a 30,000 mi...

2 years ago
RE: New Gen 3 Dream sidecar by Hannigan

Quote from CCjon on November 24, 2022, 9:54 pm FM, what is that edging you are putting around the windshields? Rain water deflector?   &nbs...

2 years ago
RE: New Member from Waldheim

James, that is a BEAU-tiful looking rig you have there. Welcome to the greatest sidecar family on planet Earth.

2 years ago
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