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Who wants to Group Camp with other sidecarists at the MOA Rally June 13-16

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Since the USCA is a chartered club with the BMW MOA, we can have a group camping area set aside for us. If enough people are interested, we will request a designated area for the USCA.  If you are planning on attending the MOA Rally in Redmond, please answer the poll above asap:


Posted : February 28, 2024 5:12 am
Posts: 212
Reputable Member

Oh the choices. Camp with my fellow Canadians or Camp with my fellow Sidcarists. I have some serious coin flipping to do. 

Posted : March 1, 2024 5:05 pm
Posts: 55
Prick Member

The BC Beemers camp site will probably be less than a beer bottle's throw away from the USCA site.

Posted : March 2, 2024 12:32 am
Posts: 212
Reputable Member

That is true. Canucks are a rowdy bunch. Watch out LOL. I actually already  set it up with the BC Beemers to camp with them.  Don't really know any of them so thought it would be a good way to get to know a few of them.  I have been dithering about which rallies to attend. I registered for the Chief Joseph rally in John Day. The MOA Rally is the week before and the Touratech one or the Washington State rider's one is a week after.. Mike and crew from LBS-USA are going to be at the Touratech Rally so thought about supporting them but I have friends down in Jacksonville OR who have demanded I visit when close, plus the Southern bit of ORBDR is calling my name. Looks like a big loop around Oregon is in the Cards. Now to convince dear Kathy that I need 3 weeks instead of the 2 I begged for. Ha! 

Posted : March 2, 2024 4:54 am
norton,kel reacted
Posts: 55
Prick Member

BMWs sometimes are prone to malfunctioning.  Any such occurrence could easily cause a delay of a week or more.  What’s a doting husband to do in such an onerous situation?

Posted : March 2, 2024 1:08 pm
Posts: 1043
Noble Member
Quote from Kevin on March 2, 2024, 7:08 pm

BMWs sometimes are prone to malfunctioning.  Any such occurrence could easily cause a delay of a week or more.  What’s a doting husband to do in such an onerous situation?

Except.........that  Brian's  wife, Dear Kathy, knows that  she has been  married to a  professional  automotive  mechanic,  who has spent  his life maintaining  not only  his customers  vehicles,  but also his and  Kathy's vehicles,  so there is no way that  Dear Kathy  believes  such a far fetched  story..........UNLESS.........Brian were to  be on a Ural.

Now,  given that Brian will be on his BMW sidecar rig,  and that  is elevated  one step above a Ural......and given that  Brian  has laid his hands on his BMW....that adds one more step upward above said Urals.......but wait, there's  more......and given that  Mike Paull has  also laid his hands on Brian's  BMW sidecar rig,  that  again  adds one more step  above  said previously  noted Ural, it can be concluded  that  Brian's  BMW sidecar rig is  in fact 3 steps above  a Ural, therefore  and ergo  we can correctly  presume  that  Brian's  BMW sidecar rig  shall  not, and will not  have failure. 

The same  cannot be  said  about  all those  other  BMWs that will be in  attendance  at the  MOA gathering. 

Oh, the Humanity  !

Two Million Mile Rider...All 7 Continents
Exploring the World in Comfort

Posted : March 2, 2024 2:21 pm
Posts: 55
Prick Member

Perhaps you are forgetting the pictures posted by Brian of his BMW after an off road excursion in the BC brush.  Even Brian's substantial mechanical skills and experience could not overcome the BMW's self-destructive tendencies.  Additionally, you make the common error of thinking you, or any man,  can fathom the thoughts, feelings and motives behind the statements and actions of our feminine mates. While outwardly objecting to our absence for the purpose of, what to them is a childish boondoggle, they are conducting a strategic campaign  that will accomplish several objectives.  Once they relent and bless our sophomoric foray in a seemingly reluctant manner, they have:  assured themselves of a cherished period of peace and quiet, free from having to babysit and coddle us; assured themselves that our ability to enjoy our trip is greatly diminished due our feelings of guilt, as well as, dreading facing her once we return; and, having the sure and certain knowledge that we will feel a deep sense of obligation to her because of our brute like selfishness.  No, sometimes it is best to just put in your ear plugs and careen into the minefield and accept what casualties that are necessary.

Posted : March 3, 2024 2:19 am
Posts: 212
Reputable Member

Aah, but you forget, said mechanic's vehicles are usually last on the list for said service and repair so then hastily done.. So I may actually use Kevin's excuse to good measure. So this puts the reliability factor of my BMW one step below the Ural because I have laid hands on it.. LOL. 

Plus it has been apart a few times since Mr. Paule has laid hands on it too. Don't worry wiring is intact. 

I will be starting out the trip with a really good pair of walking boots just in case . 🙂 

Decision is made.. MOA it is.. Big loop via some of the ORBDR. What we can manage with a rig.. Suspect the high bit North will still be snow covered if last year is any indication in early June. 

Now I just have to get the garden and home projects done so I have permission from Dear Kathy to depart.. And of course it snowed this morning so I wait. !!! 


Posted : March 3, 2024 4:45 am
Posts: 212
Reputable Member

I see we have two yes votes.. Is that enough to reserve a Club spot?  

Posted : March 6, 2024 4:33 am
Posts: 55
Prick Member

There is no minimum number.   I suggest we ask for space for five. 

Posted : March 6, 2024 6:19 am
Posts: 1043
Noble Member

Keep in mind,  those  wankers  assigning  camping  spaces  at the  MOA rally  compute things in their  two wheeled  brains based on.....two wheeled  campers.

5 sidecar  rigs would  compute to the  same  size as.....10 of the  two wheeled  bikes. 

Oh, and sidecarists  have larger  camping  tents...... 'tis a fact...... look it up. 

Two Million Mile Rider...All 7 Continents
Exploring the World in Comfort

Posted : March 6, 2024 9:52 am
Posts: 55
Prick Member

When this wanker and his Spousal Unit were responsible for Chartered Club camping at a previous national rally, we didn't ask "How many people", we asked "How many tents"; tents are what take space.  I agree with you that the two wheelers suffer from tent envy; mine isn't as big as yours is always on men's minds.  More than a few times we've been enjoying a wee dram while sitting on the veranda of our tent during a slow drizzle, with the sure and certain knowledge that nary a drop of rain will dilute our fine spirits. These enjoyable moments were diminished by the pouting faces of two wheelers peering from their Cub Scout tents, or from the hood of their rain soaked supposedly waterproof rain jacket.  Almost makes us want close the flaps on our Taj Mahtent.  You are less on point when you say that our three wheelers will necessitate more space.  Again, when we ran club camping we did not allow motorcycles to park in amongst the tents.  Last thing we wanted was a motorcycle tipping over and on to an occupied tent, or a rider trying to leave the rally in the early morning, perhaps still under the influence of the previous night's over consumption and subjecting everyone to the sound of  his super titanium, direct flow, ultra irritating  phoney muffler.  The general camping area was not was well run and was a mess of grumpy campers who couldn't get their bikes out to go for a ride without much time, great effort and immense consternation.  We allowed bikes in the camping area during initial set-up and on departure day.  We did our best to have every club's camping space border on the perimeter road around the camp grounds.  Our approach worked well and people were generally willing to cooperate.  

Posted : March 7, 2024 1:11 am
Posts: 633
Prominent Member

Taj Mahtent.  Hahahaha!  I got one of those too. 

Maybe we should have a rally where only gigantic tents are allowed.  That'd be fun!

Posted : March 7, 2024 1:46 pm
Posts: 212
Reputable Member

Have we signed up for a Club spot.. Last time I was on the MOA site I found a spot where they had listed off the clubs but can't find it again.. Just making plans

Also @ Kevin.  I signed up to help direct people to their Club Camping spot with you.. You can show me the ropes then I can help the next guy as I signed up for the next slot too. 

Posted : March 10, 2024 6:04 am
Posts: 212
Reputable Member

Just to confirm, the USCA has signed up for club camping at the MOA???

Posted : May 20, 2024 8:33 pm
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