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I need a shot of co...
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I need a shot of confindence.

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Posts: 170
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Or at least a good swift kick in the arse,,,lol.


In case I didn't mention it before, I'll mention it now. My sole purpose of getting a Goldwing was to travel the country before I died. I had went through cancer and chemo. I thought sure I would be dead in a couple of years. Well that was in 2015. They say if the kind of cancer I had doesn't come back in 2 year's it won't.


So I got my first Goldwing shortly after chemo and was going to head out. Well I haven't went more than 150 miles in any direction. WTF is wrong with me!!  I keep making excuses. But I really have went through many set up's now. Seems like I always have the bike tore apart.  I'm on my 4th Goldwing, first sidecar. I had to get it for Willie. 


So now I have this leading link to install. I keep dragging my feet. It's too hot in the garage. Well I did just buy an ac unit,,,lol. Now I'm trying to clean up out there to make room to spread things out and work on it. I just have a packed single car garage.


Here's the current problem. I REALLY want to go to the rally in Flint Hills. But it's a 6 hour drive. I have time to get ALL the work done on the bike. But now I keep telling myself what if I break down out on the road like Steve did. I have no one to come and get me and I sure can't afford a long tow bill. I'd be screwed. So now I'm telling myself I better not go in case I break down. I just got this bike this year and I don't know that I can trust it that far. I've all ready caught the po lying about many things on the bike. So I'm not sure what all it's had done.


So do I roll the dice and gamble I don't break down?


I'm bending over. Start kicking,,,lol.

Posted : July 4, 2024 6:54 pm
Steve Ives and sheath reacted
Posts: 500

First one on these forums is going to kick you..... you can be sure of that.

We are here to help you...and I truly mean that.

Remind me, where do you live? Illinois...Indiana ???

Do NOT rush the work you want or need to do on the bike.

Needed work comes before wanted work.

Do NOT stress the body.... take inventory of how your body is doing, and complete tasks accordingly.

If.....if.....if you are not able to bring the Sidecar rig to the Flint Hills Rally, can you possibly drive a car, with working A/C, and bring Sidecar Willie with you?

If you want to talk off forum.... email me at: 


Two Million Mile Rider...All 7 Continents
Exploring the World in Comfort

Posted : July 4, 2024 7:45 pm
Dave, Steve Ives, sheath and 2 people reacted
Posts: 188

All good advice from Miles there.

Is trailering it to Kansas a possibility?

Posted : July 5, 2024 9:01 am
Posts: 315

Buddy system!  When I'm in doubt, I grab a buddy.  That way when the break down occurs (s)he is as screwed as me.  🤩 

Stay away from optimists.  They are absolutely aggravating when you are trying to feel miserable. 😉  

But seriously, maybe someone coming to the rally is traveling along a similar enough path that you could meet up.  When impediments happen, two twisted and dangerous minds are way more fun than one.  😎 

Dane told us of a great adventure breaking the sidecar frame in the middle of the desert.  He and his buddy whittled a stick to stuff in the frame and used moose spit to keep the thing together in order to make it to a hotel with a Hardware store.   He tells it much better than I can, with pictures!

I carry the USCA F&E (Friend & Emergency) list in a special hidden compartment of the rig, and I'm not afraid to use it. lol 

Looking forward to meeting you & Sidecar Willlie in the Flint Hills.  🍻 

Hold my keyboard and watch this! 🙃

Posted : July 5, 2024 9:47 am
Thane Lewis
Posts: 255

Posted by: @miles-ladue

First one on these forums is going to kick you..... you can be sure of that.

We are here to help you...and I truly mean that.

Remind me, where do you live? Illinois...Indiana ???

Do NOT rush the work you want or need to do on the bike.

Needed work comes before wanted work.

Do NOT stress the body.... take inventory of how your body is doing, and complete tasks accordingly.

If.....if.....if you are not able to bring the Sidecar rig to the Flint Hills Rally, can you possibly drive a car, with working A/C, and bring Sidecar Willie with you?

If you want to talk off forum.... email me at: 


It's an odd thing, but many of us know the sidecar rigs better by way of their dogs than the operators. lol8  


Illegitemi non carborundum est!

Posted : July 5, 2024 11:32 am
Steve Ives
Posts: 217

Hay Calvin

It seems you and i have a similar story to tell re Goldwing and cancer. Mine was stage 4 and yes i should be dead by rights but 6 and a half years later i am still here. I bought a wing outfit in January this yearwith the same idea as you; i had not ridden for 40 years or there a bout's. Yeah i was right ok off we go no problem.

BUT its about getting to know your wing firstand yes gaining the confidence that you will not break down, been there as you know, not fun listening for every little rattle. My advice for what its worth ride your wing every day if you can and as for the leading link yes it would be nice to get it done but i think your confidence in riding and how you feel may be a better way forward; the link can come later. My wing is now very different having ridden it a couple of thousand or so

You have to do what is right for you and find your own grove and that will not happen overnight. There is a lot of knowledge here and people will share it happily; there is no must do.

There must be a few camping spots within easy reach where you could go overnight and get your gear sorted and develop a routine for going away that gives you the strength of following a routine that feels comfortable. Cancer throws all routines out the window and the new norm can be every day so strong routines are  away to move beyond the past.

Also look into breakdown insurance it can make a big difference.

I shall be off to Texas in the morning to get the triple trees done =)

This post was modified 3 days ago by Steve Ives

Walk with Joy
Steve Ives

Posted : July 5, 2024 6:12 pm
FlyingMonkeys and sheath reacted
Posts: 170
Topic starter

Thanks for all the replies everyone. It helps.


I guess the first thing I need to make sure of is do you have to belong to the USCA to go to the Flint Hills rally. I just never got around to joining. Spending all my money on the Wing,,,,lol. I kinda assumed the reason for joining was just to be able to go to all the "OFFICIAL" rally's.But I wasn't really planning traveling that far to them all.  Guess I better check into it. Might have to pull the trigger and join.

Posted : July 5, 2024 6:44 pm
Thane Lewis reacted
Posts: 170
Topic starter

So. I really "NEED" to do the leading link ASAP. I've had 3 failed shoulder surgeries  and a failed neck surgery. Steering this rig really works my shoulder. I need to make it easier to steer.


I was in the middle of upgrading all the suspension anyway. I have the sidecar off. I put on the heavy duty Progressive coil over shocks on the rear. I was just getting ready to do the front Progressive springs (I have them) and was going to buy a set of triple tree's. But then this leading link came along and that's what I've got now. Thanks for the heads up Miles.


Right now I have the bike all jacked up in the rear waiting to do what ever to the front. I have a next size larger BT-46 ready to mount. I need get the sidecar back on. I need that weight back.


I'm going to address different things in different replies. I think things go unnoticed if ya type too much,,,,lol. 


Posted : July 5, 2024 6:58 pm
Posts: 170
Topic starter

Posted by: @andrew-baker


Is trailering it to Kansas a possibility?


I do have a truck and trailer. But the trailer is only a 5x8. So too small. And besides. My F-150 is a bigger POS than my Goldwing,,,,lol. The Goldwing is at least a maybe it might break down. The truck has had to be towed home twice. Each time 100 miles away. Once from a spark plug blowing out of the head. And there 7 more spark plugs,,,lol. My friend who towed me home says I'm running out of tows. And he runs a machine shop so he can't close down to come get me in Kansas,,,lol.


Posted : July 5, 2024 7:13 pm
Posts: 170
Topic starter

Posted by: @scott-h

Buddy system!  When I'm in doubt, I grab a buddy.  That way when the break down occurs (s)he is as screwed as me.  🤩 

Stay away from optimists.  They are absolutely aggravating when you are trying to feel miserable. 😉  

But seriously, maybe someone coming to the rally is traveling along a similar enough path that you could meet up.  When impediments happen, two twisted and dangerous minds are way more fun than one.  😎 

Dane told us of a great adventure breaking the sidecar frame in the middle of the desert.  He and his buddy whittled a stick to stuff in the frame and used moose spit to keep the thing together in order to make it to a hotel with a Hardware store.   He tells it much better than I can, with pictures!

I carry the USCA F&E (Friend & Emergency) list in a special hidden compartment of the rig, and I'm not afraid to use it. lol 

Looking forward to meeting you & Sidecar Willlie in the Flint Hills.  🍻 


I like the buddy system idea. Anyone going anywhere near St. Louis? I haven't looked at the directions but I assume I would be taking interstate 70 west? That's the way I would go to Kansas City.


I'll post a reply in the rally thread.


Posted : July 5, 2024 7:18 pm
sheath and FlyingMonkeys reacted
Posts: 500

Caretaker of  Sidecar  Willie,  I  still  need the  answer to my question  of....where do you live  ?

Get a automotive  style floor  jack, or at the  least, a scissor  jack, place a 1/2 " or 3/4" thick piece of wood  on top of the  jack lifting  pad, place it directly  under the  engine  block, forward,  but under the  engine  block,  then crank it up to lift the  front of the  bike,  so that  pressure is  off the  front  tire. 

Then remove the  entire  front  end, and  install the  leading  link tubes UP into the  bikes original  triple  trees.

Two Million Mile Rider...All 7 Continents
Exploring the World in Comfort

Posted : July 5, 2024 7:31 pm
Dave, sheath and Thane Lewis reacted
Posts: 170
Topic starter

Posted by: @none

Hay Calvin

It seems you and i have a similar story to tell re Goldwing and cancer. Mine was stage 4 and yes i should be dead by rights but 6 and a half years later i am still here. I bought a wing outfit in January this yearwith the same idea as you; i had not ridden for 40 years or there a bout's. Yeah i was right ok off we go no problem.

BUT its about getting to know your wing firstand yes gaining the confidence that you will not break down, been there as you know, not fun listening for every little rattle. My advice for what its worth ride your wing every day if you can and as for the leading link yes it would be nice to get it done but i think your confidence in riding and how you feel may be a better way forward; the link can come later. My wing is now very different having ridden it a couple of thousand or so

You have to do what is right for you and find your own grove and that will not happen overnight. There is a lot of knowledge here and people will share it happily; there is no must do.

There must be a few camping spots within easy reach where you could go overnight and get your gear sorted and develop a routine for going away that gives you the strength of following a routine that feels comfortable. Cancer throws all routines out the window and the new norm can be every day so strong routines are  away to move beyond the past.

Also look into breakdown insurance it can make a big difference.

I shall be off to Texas in the morning to get the triple trees done =)


Steve. The biggest problems I have after the cancer is from what the chemo did. I now have chemo brain. I have no short term memory.  And I struggle even with simple math. I also have a hard time making a decision. But worst of all the chemo gave me severe nephropathy in my feet. I have a lot of issues because of that part. 


How far of a ride is it to Texas for ya. I wish you would report in if ya can so we know you're ok. Good luck!!


Posted : July 5, 2024 7:32 pm
sheath and FlyingMonkeys reacted
Posts: 170
Topic starter

Posted by: @miles-ladue

Caretaker of  Sidecar  Willie,  I  still  need the  answer to my question  of....where do you live  ?

Get a automotive  style floor  jack, or at the  least, a scissor  jack, place a 1/2 " or 3/4" thick piece of wood  on top of the  jack lifting  pad, place it directly  under the  engine  block, forward,  but under the  engine  block,  then crank it up to lift the  front of the  bike,  so that  pressure is  off the  front  tire. 

Then remove the  entire  front  end, and  install the  leading  link tubes UP into the  bikes original  triple  trees.


I live in Illinois. I'm literally 10 minutes across the Mississippi river from the St. Louis arch. I can see it from my house if I get on the roof,,,lol.


I do have a harborfright motorcycle jack. And a couple of floor jacks.


I need to check the steering stem bearing's. I think I might have felt some weird clunking several times. I think this would be the time to change them since the bike has 112,000 miles on it and I'm that far into it?


Posted : July 5, 2024 7:41 pm
sheath and FlyingMonkeys reacted
Posts: 500

Yes, on checking the steering head bearings.

Did the Leading Link front end you got come with longer hoses for the front brakes? I would think that the front brake calipers will be a little farther forward with the Leading Link installed.

Two Million Mile Rider...All 7 Continents
Exploring the World in Comfort

Posted : July 5, 2024 8:01 pm
sheath reacted
Posts: 170
Topic starter

Posted by: @miles-ladue

Yes, on checking the steering head bearings.

Did the Leading Link front end you got come with longer hoses for the front brakes? I would think that the front brake calipers will be a little farther forward with the Leading Link installed.


Yes. It came with stainless steel extension hoses, calipers, and pads. The pads look good enough to run I think. Mine make a funny sound when applied. Kinda a clicking, playing card in a bicycle spokes sound. You remember that don't ya,,,lol. I'll have to see how they look when I take it apart.


He actually left the master cylinder attached to the brake line. But it looks rough. I'll probably use mine since I have to bleed them anyway. He did remove the line from the caliper that goes to the foot brake.


He gave me the near complete handle bar set up. He didn't remove ANYTHING from the bars except the clutch master. He must of sold that,,,,lol.


Posted : July 5, 2024 8:33 pm
sheath and FlyingMonkeys reacted
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