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Honorable Member
Joined: September 22, 2004 4:15 pm
Topics: 66 / Replies: 501
RE: 2015 Monumental USCA Rally

I am sure it is in here somewhere... but, it's easier to ask.. What is the pet (dog) policy for the rally/ campground area? Thanks gp 🙂

10 years ago
RE: Hot Springs Ramble 2014

thanks for the share. 🙂

10 years ago
RE: Read! - How do you like your magazine to arrive?

Not a good scene at your post office box.... Hope you don't loose anything important in all those flyers etc. What a waste of trees, and your time.....

10 years ago
RE: Read! - How do you like your magazine to arrive?

Bummer.. 🙁 We have a larger mailbox, maybe that's why we've been lucky with the newsletter. Also, we've chatted with the mailman - His name is Geor...

10 years ago
RE: Read! - How do you like your magazine to arrive?

My latest issues arrived today - bag-less and in pristine condition. Perhaps those (how many?) who receive a damaged copy could complain to the Post...

10 years ago
RE: 2015 Monumental USCA Rally

Thanks, Will. I didn't realize how far down on the page I had to go to get to "the toggle". g

10 years ago
RE: Internment Service for Joyce Canfield

Thank you for the information.

10 years ago
RE: SoCal/IE riders?

Hey, b5: That is so cool. I swear by that yellow book. That's the way I learned, and after 10,000 miles I had a chance to take the Advanced traini...

10 years ago
RE: SoCal/IE riders?

Congratulations on your new rig. Please do not be offended, but unless you have taken a sidecar training class, I strongly recommend you get a 2nd ed...

10 years ago
RE: installers in SoCal

That's great! Give a big "Hi" to Matt for me. 🙂 gail

10 years ago
RE: installers in SoCal

Woo Hoo! keep us posted:-)

11 years ago
RE: installers in SoCal

Thanks Lonnie.. another good resource for the senior memory bank. 🙂

11 years ago
RE: installers in SoCal

Great!.. I forgot that Jay carries the book too. Glad you got one. 🙂 Welcome to a whole new way of thinkin' and ridin'. Once you get the hang of...

11 years ago
RE: installers in SoCal

b5rider: Glad you got a hold of Matt. He is crazy smart, and his work is a brilliant combination of form and function. I swear he can fix anything...

11 years ago
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