Last seen: April 24, 2024 12:01 pm
Unfortunately, we won't be able to attend the Rally - will be in the midst of a move from Dayton to Virginia. I just canceled reservations for two c...
Miles: I should let Dave defend himself, but he actually lives in Northern Iowa - often referred to by residents as "Minnesota". 🙄 Duncan
Rig has been sold - Sorry Duncan
How about a choice? Let those who want auto-renewal sign up for it; let those who want annual renewal do that. Re lifetime membership: I'm all for i...
For Sale withdrawn - at least for the time being. I'm taking the rig to EPM for shock rebuild, then Bob's BMW for 12k service. Rig will be at the BMWR...
You should check in at and ask the question there. Lots of members on that forum have built their own rigs. The Aussies are especially fun. Dunca...
Rick: Where do you live? In addition to what FM said, there's Texas Sidecar; The Wark Shop [Ohio]; Boxer Metal [CA] a chap I can't recall in OR maybe ...
The Bmw [motorcycle😁] dealer in Miami can put sidecars on BMWs. Maybe they would be willing to work on your Harley??? Duncan
CCJON What Al said. You ought to post a link to the advrider threads on this subject. Duncan
Stroker is a good guy and does excellent work. I mounted one of his wheels on the front of my previous rig. It would be great if he could make it to H...
Malcolm: Another place you might ask for someone to give your companion a ride is They also have two threads that deal with sidecar sales - one fo...
Here's a handy link to compare tire sizes: Duncan
Re sidecar wheel: I recommend you use the same size wheel and tire as the bike's rear. The bike rear tire will wear the fastest of the 3; the front sh...