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claude #3563
Famed Member
Joined: March 3, 2003 12:30 pm
Topics: 56 / Replies: 2425
RE: 1.45 x 10" sidecar tire replacement

Back when I had the Watsonian Palma I always had one spare just in case. After a while we converted it to run a 12" wheel due to the tires being more ...

7 years ago
RE: Quick disconnect (no not the same old question)

No not at all. If this site was a little more picture posting friendly it would be nice. UGH

7 years ago
RE: Tire Brand Question

beezageezer - 7/27/2017 6:10 PM This is as much a question than a suggestion. I have a couple of those Firestone tires found on a lot of resto-...

7 years ago
RE: Tire Brand Question

The Block K has been used extensively over the years and been around a long time. It has been mounted with a tube and without even though it is a tube...

7 years ago
RE: Tilt control. What does it physically change?.

Valkrider - 4/25/2018 1:00 PM Well, I guess I'm okay. Was mainly worried about the big change in tire contact to the road and premature wear. T...

7 years ago
RE: Quick disconnect (no not the same old question)

Most use an eyenut to and eyenut connection. We do this. Some use an eyenut to a clevis connection and we do this too if someone is dead set on it. It...

7 years ago
RE: Auto tire equivalent size

David Hinze (Stroker) makes a nice car wheel conversion that may be worth considering. You would then go to a 15" auto tire. Most run a 165/80 althoug...

7 years ago
RE: GL1500 heater connections

Have seen two rigs over the years that had moved the radiator location. One between the bike and sidecar and one kind of under the sidecar nose. Both ...

7 years ago
RE: Quick disconnect (no not the same old question)

I agree that bolts are by far the better way to go for all the reasons stated previously. Mounts should be tight and stay tight and share the loads a...

7 years ago
RE: Tilt control. What does it physically change?.

Tilt controls are a great item and are one super way to adjust , while on the go, for road camber variations. loads in the sidecar , weight distributi...

7 years ago
RE: safer whole sale, and now RT

We have mounted a few Cozy sidecars and as mentioned they are okay within their element. We do turn away a fair amount of 'business' if the combinatio...

7 years ago
RE: Auto tire equivalent size

You also may wish to check your setup. Typically too much toe in will increase tire wear. If you make adjustments record your starting point so you c...

7 years ago
RE: safer whole sale, and now RT

If the link to the video does not work go to my facebook site ( Claude Stanley) ...There will be a picture of a red sidecar and a white sidecar ...

7 years ago
7 years ago
RE: Sidecar turns

ocpd44 - 12/13/2017 12:00 AM I've been hearing about the dreaded headshake since I first started thinking about a sidecar. I fully expected head...

7 years ago
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