I have no idea what came over me ??but I raised my hand and now I am the new Florida state rep. (what did I get myself into ????
so anyone in Fl. please start sending me any ideas and info so we can have a good year getting together with other members and friends of the sidecar riders.
I can be reached at sidehack52@yahoo.com looking forward to a good riding season.
my first goal is to have Florida's first annual Rally in June of 2018...More news on the Rally to the Rally as we build a good membership of active riders.
so send me your ideas and hopes for a good riding year..

Hi Rich:
Glad you raised your hand. I am new to sidecars, about 6 months. I attended N.C. rally
and the National in Corning. That is about the extent of my knowledge. I am from
the Sarasota-Bradenton area. Have not met any local sidecarist.
I can help out when the need arises.
Hi Rich,
I have your back from the other corner of the country...

In similar manner I got to several voluntary jobs myself too.
It is much better to rise your hand in what you like to do then in political associations...I am cured to do so in those.
Here in our country I am the only member and will I need to form a council?
Richard go on for the good of all.
Now you have reasons and excuses enough to hang out frequently.
Enjoy π
Good luck.
Hi Rich,
Welcome to the World of USCA. I was the State rep for a number of years. And did a rally, Y'll Come Rally, 6 or 7 years. If I can be of help let me know.
JUNE, what about MARCH we people up north have cabin fever around then. At the national Jim & Marilyn were advertising a FLA rally at the same place as Richard had his at the same time.
what I am doing in JUNE is to have a RALLY that just goes to the NATINAL RALLY.....why I am calling it (THE RALLY TO THE RALLY) it is just a way to get more FLORIDA riders to go to the rally ...and so help build a better membership in FL.
PS Daytona bike week is in FEB or MARCH every year .....come on down ....hopeing to have something for that with a croup of NSCA turn out from FL.
Before the South Dakota rally we did a similar thing but we had a nice place to visit on the way...Yellowstone Park. We encouraged folks to join and/or drop out along the way. I believe the key is to set VERY reasonable daily targets and simply announce the destination for each night ahead of time. Good luck, rolling rallies are the best!

Re Al's suggestion: I can't tell where in FL you would start from, but it would be easy to set a route that avoids Atlanta and goes through the North GA mountains [great roads] and incorporates the Moonshiner 128, the Tail of the Dragon, and the Cherahola Skyway. The campground/resort used for Sidecars in the Smokies - the IronHorse in Robbinsville NC - would be a great stopover. Robbinsville is about 350 miles [via The Dragon] from Rising Sun.
Speaking of which - you might want to check out Sidecars in the Smokies when it gets announced for the spring of 2018.
Glad you are aboard.
Sidecars in the Smokies dates are APR 26-29th 2018.
WE have already made our reservations at Iron Horse.
Y'll come Florida sidecar rally Mar. 15-18 2018.Silver Springs State park Ocala Fl

I live in Englewood, Florida and am new to sidecar ownership. Hello to all Florida cyclists.????

As we are planning to go to both, Sidecars in the Smokies and the national rally I am keeping an eye on your plans as we would like to join your Fla group on the ride up.
have you put together any potential time frame or travel routes yet.
We participated in the ride to Yellow Stone before the rally in South Dakota that Al spoke of, I can tell you we had a blast and met a lot of great people.
ok it has been a long crazy few months for me but I am finally back in the game . I just booked my rooms for the Rising Sun Rally ...so now I have a place to stay ...all I need now is to get my rig finished.
I will be working on a route and time schedule for the ride up. so if any body is going let me know so we can have a rally to the rally..

My wife and I will be going to the Rising Sun Rally so please keep me posted.
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