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Texas Sidecar Open House, March 2024
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In March, the Texas Sidecar Company hosted its annual open house in Donie, TX. I took advantage of the nice weather to visit with Kent Silk, the owner, and his growing crew.
One of his satisfied customers arrived with her happy daughter.
Mom looks pretty pleased with her hack.
Before the workshop was overflowing with visitors, clients, and potential clients,
I was able to capture several images of sidecar rigs in production.
A KTM 690 Adventure rig with an adventure sidecar.
This is a new sidecar model for TSC.
The sidecar "monkey" does more standing than sitting on this type of sidecar.
This is not your typical blue sidecar rig.
It is a one-of-a-kind, custom build for a client
who wanted a sidecar for his Janus 450 motorcycle.
Kent mentioned that this beautiful rig was almost ready for delivery to the client, but
they were waiting for one more black powder-coated wheel for the sidecar.
When you build a rig of this caliber, you can't give the customer mismatched wheels.
This is a beautiful attention-getting town rig. Has that antique vibe.
Due to dim indoor lighting and strong sun light. you can't tell but the blue and gold of the tub perfectly match the colors on the bike.
A black and silver Harley rig is complete, awaiting the client to come ride it home.
Kent and his crew are sticklers for details and quality work.
This Indian rig is also complete, waiting for its out-of-state owner to ride it out the front door.
Texas Sidecar does not have an inventory of rigs ready for sale. Everything here is a customer's bike. Either being fitted with a sidecar or having work done on their rigs.
I understood that their backlog of work is currently at six months. If you want a sidecar built
for riding this summer, you are out of luck. Better order now for summer riding next year.
By ten a.m., visitors started rolling in from all over the State of Texas.
The weather is beautiful, a free lunch and friendly sidecarists are on hand.
What more could you ask for?
Rigs were lining up as they arrived. Soon the parking area would be full.
It might be March, but the Spring riding season has already arrived in central Texas.
Of course, as found at any sidecar gathering, there is walking around admiring the different rigs, asking questions, greeting old friends, and thinking about what your next rig might look like.
So many ideas, so many possibilities, so many questions.
Anyone who has been around sidecars very long realizes there is no standard look or brand of motorcycle involved. There is no production line that pops out sidecars like a cookie-cutter.
Every sidecar is unique. Unique set up for every owner. Unique for different purposes.
From the dirt-bashing KTM adventure rig shown above to the smooth Harley highway cruiser
to the antique-looking Janus town rig. All unique to satisfy the owner's intended use.
Even if it is just to make a child smile.
Memories are made of this.
Well done Kent, Ana, and crew.
The Texas Sidecar business is growing and thriving in Donie, Texas.
Posted : April 16, 2024 10:12 am

I bought my sidecar from DMC in Buckley, WA and had Jay mount it to my Harley. It has been a real pleasure to ride. It would be a long way to SE Texas in March from Salem,OR.
Jay, enjoy your retirement and thanks for the great rig!
Gary Shearer, Salem,Oregon.
Posted : April 17, 2024 5:07 am
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