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Busted in Coldfoot

In August I was guiding my nephew to Deadhorse, Alaska. 250 miles shy of our destination I discovered a busted cross frame member on the sidecar, forcing a turn around back to Fairbanks to find a welder for a patch.


Here are a few photos from that adventure...






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The day I stood at that sign the old Mr Panter wasn't amused about the baptism-champain and said: "That only will attract the bears."

Hope you made the next 120 miles with out total break down.

The day I stood at that sign the old Mr Panter wasn't amused about the baptism-champain and said: "That only will attract the bears."

Hope you made the next 120 miles to the next habited place without total break down.

The pictures are Awesome.   Hope you had a fantastic trip.

Thank you. Any trip to Alaska is amazing and rewarding, even if you bust out in Coldfoot. Am putting the photos and commentary together for an article for the Sidecarist magazine.

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