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Headlight conversio...
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Headlight conversion

2 Posts
1 Users
2 Reactions
Steve Ives
Posts: 217
Topic starter

Morning Poochez Guys an Gals.

I supposedly have the Pathfinder conversion on my 95 GL1500SE and i have to say i am not impressed. The range of adjustment is very little and the actual light is nothing to shout about.

So this weeks question is......... What is the best headlight set up for my wing?

Walk with Joy
Steve Ives

Posted : July 1, 2024 8:38 am
sheath reacted
Steve Ives
Posts: 217
Topic starter

OOPS i forgot to subscribble

Walk with Joy
Steve Ives

Posted : July 1, 2024 8:40 am
sheath reacted