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Replace top and more

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Posts: 690
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         Have an appointment March 6th In Murray KY at  Hannigan  to have a new Convertible top made for my twin Classic. About 540 miles one way from home.

Long term weather report looks like 18-36 degrees the day I leave home and 36 to 50 in KY. I have made rides that direction this time of  year. Snow has never stopped me before.

Leaving the 5th and staying over night when they do it on the 6th head home the 7th. Just had right eye surgery done the 31st cataract . Multi focus lens put in and laser correction done. The left eye gets done the 15th of FEB should be good to ride by the 5th.   Decided to not ride at night for a bit.

  It was a ride home from that area at night last year that pushed me to get the eyes done. It was time. 22 years with glasses. I was ok with them ,but the cloudy vision and the Doctor telling me it was time for trifocals .  Made the call get it done.

Posted : February 6, 2023 1:06 pm
Posts: 554

Smitty901, have a good ride, and dress warm. Do you have electric heated clothing for use on this ride?

When I was visiting Hannigans for a week last September, I stayed at the Murray Inn & Art Gallery, and it is where I would suggest anyone going to Hannigans to stay. I was there for 5 nights, and it was the perfect location. All ground floor rooms, the owner is very good to motorcycle/sidecar owners, rates are good, etc. It's at the southern end of Murray, on the West side of the main street.

Send us some pictures of your new Convertible Top.

Two Million Mile Rider...All 7 Continents
Exploring the World in Comfort

Posted : February 7, 2023 4:33 am
Posts: 690
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 Thank you . I have been to Murray many times. Another ride I make with some friends every year in September is in that same area also.

Wife and I stayed in the Murray Art Gallery in 2017.

I do ride a lot in winter and have the gear for it. Seems the body is not as tough as it once was but still up to for now. I have changed my preferences riding gear.  Now favor the Sedici riding modern materials done right far exceed leather IMO.


I am hard on the top they make a great one. The wheel chair goes where it would normally be stored when not in use.  Putting it on the floor in the sidecar is hard on it.  60-70,000 miles of use it had seen it's better days.  After thinking about it . I decided to just go all new with it rather than repair it.

  I know your are enjoy that Rig.

Posted : February 7, 2023 7:11 am
Posts: 690
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     Cutting this trip close. Had eye surgery all set up and planned to be good to go by March 5th. Right eye was done Jan 31st. Muilt focal lens ,cataract and laser work done. All went well but at follow up doctor wanted surgeon to look at it before we did the left eye. That set my plans back 5 days.

      Feb 20th the left eye gets done. Same work. As of now I still plan to ride to Murray. It will be a toss up if weather goes along with the plan. Just in case I am digging the trailer out so it will be ready. We had bear ground  but got a fast foot of snow dumped .

Each day vision in right eye is getting better. View of the world is so much brighter with the right eye. Colors come alive. I had been told some years back the cataract would be needed to improve quality of my vision .  I should have done this sooner. What an amazing difference.


Posted : February 18, 2023 2:21 am
Posts: 180

I developed cataracts at a young age for some reason.  I too recall a remarkable colorful world.  The difference was amazing and I had not had the cataracts very long.  I can’t imagine what someone with cataracts for years would experience.

Posted : February 20, 2023 10:35 am
Posts: 690
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  Left eye was done today at 10am.  Eye patch comes off tomorrow at local doctor posts op visit. Then just time for thing to heal and brain get use to what it is seeing.

   Doing everything all at once seemed to be the wise choice.


Posted : February 20, 2023 1:40 pm
Posts: 690
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     Weather has been a bit unpredictable here. That and my eyes are still healing I have decided to trailer the rig to Hanniagn.

I wanted to ride but commonsense won out.

Posted : February 28, 2023 7:42 am
Posts: 763

sounds like you are making the right call

Posted : February 28, 2023 8:01 am
Posts: 690
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  I know it is the right call. But even today as the sun came out and snow is melting away fast. That crazy brain of mine is trying to justify riding away

Friend of mine has not had the chance to visit Hannigan in person yet.  Called him up and in invited him along for the ride. The drive down with the trail won't be to boring then. And once we get into IL if the weather is good we can unload it and take turns getting a ride in.

Posted : March 1, 2023 10:47 am
Posts: 690
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  5th will be here quick. had a couple Turn signal /marker lights to change . Got that done today. Loaded it on the trailer. Clean it up tomorrow,strap it down.



Posted : March 2, 2023 12:34 pm
Posts: 690
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 Had second follow up on left eye and 3rd on right eye yesterday. Steady improvements at about 20/40 now and expect it to get better with time. Next follow up the 23rd of march.

Loaded up ,strapped down ready for trip to Hannigan .  Heading out a 0600 tomorrow.

Pretrip checks are a good thing. Just had new tires put on the Edge a while back . Found a stem leaking on one of the tires. Got it in and fixed yesterday.


Posted : March 4, 2023 1:25 am
Thane Lewis
Posts: 282

Pre flight check complete skipper!

Illegitemi non carborundum est!

Posted : March 4, 2023 3:10 am
Posts: 690
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  Showed up for the appointment. They already had most of it made. An hour of some fitting it was done.

Stayed there that day and went riding.  It is an area I like.  The temperature was in the upper 70's.

Loaded up and roll out at midnight last night was home 540 miles at 0900 this morning.

Nice day at home 35 out.



Posted : March 7, 2023 5:09 am
Posts: 763

Good deal, glad it all went smoothly. glad to hear your eyes are improving


Posted : March 7, 2023 5:19 am
Posts: 690
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  Loaded it back up rolling it in messy from melted snow here.



Posted : March 7, 2023 9:38 am
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