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USCA Sidecar Forum

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Welcome to the USCA and the Forums! (for new and prospective members)

You will find a bunch of friendly and knowledgeable people here. Enjoy the forums! Check out the links on the Home Page for Books, Dealers, Manufacturers and Distributors and of course find local contact info on The Map. This website is paid for by USCA membership dues. Support sidecarring and this site. Become a member. Your membership entitles you to patches, pins, discounts at rallies, and a great bimonthly magazine/newsletter delivered to your home. Let the Sidecar world into your life! Sign up; help out. You'll be glad you did!

One thing to know is that participation in these forums is separate from USCA membership. In other words, if you join and pay your dues you don't automatically have a forum account. You need to click on the button in the upper right corner "Login/Register". Then you will be able to post. 

If you have any questions about the website or the forum don't hesitate to send your question or comment through the Contact Form or email me directly. 

Jerry M

DRONE, CCjon and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
DRONECCjonAmigoHaakon Arthur Pedersen
"I ride because it frees my mind from the tyranny of petty things."