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Tough going for some of our own

Long time sidecarists and general good folks Avanell and J.R. Louis are having some pretty serious health issues and it's landed J.R. in the hospital.  These two are fixtures at sidecar rallies around the country and generally score highly at the sidecar games.  I love to hear Avanell yell at J.R. in the blindfold events, it's a trip.  Anyway, they could use your thoughts and prayers right now.  A cheery email couldn't hurt either  roadrunner75835@hotmail is the address.

Sorry to hear this. And certainly wishing them both the best!!

J.R. is a tough old Texas Turkey Buzzard who looks like he hasn't eaten in three days, yet will share half a sandwich with ya if he thinks you're hungry. Both him and Avanell have hearts of gold and wills of steel.

Speedy recovery J.R., and don't take no mind to 'Nell, she just loves you too much.


Does anyone have any updates about JR recovery

USCA # 8913

As of last week J.R. reported that he was out of the rehab center.  His email to me indicated that he ended up with Sepsis.  Not good - but he appears to be over it and on the mend.  I inquired about Avanelle and the response was that they were both doing fine.



that very encouraging news,  Wow sepsis is nothing to mess around with. I'm glad to hear he is doing better and Avanelle is handling it all OK


USCA # 8913

I spoke with Avenell this afternoon.  She said J.R. was doing well but moving a little slow.  He has to go back to the cardiologist next week.  She is doing well and her words, "has been sprung" from the doctors.  We won't be seeing them at either the Sidecars in the Smokies gathering or the East Texas Sidecar Muster.  They will be missed but at least they're on the mend.

Thanks for the updates.  Avanell and JR are my idols. I believe they set the bar for sidecar riding at its best. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

Thanks for all the kind words,phone calls,visits etc. ad a stress test done Wed. Get results Fri.  Hopefully be one ith akk this. Have a therapist coming out twice a week for a while.  Still not real steady,but getting better.  Hope to see every one some place soon.  Trerapy and visiting nurse turned  Avanell loose last week,so she is doing a lot better.  6 weeks of me being in rehab probably did her the most good.  J.R.

Glad to hear you're back home J.R.


Come on up to the Rusk KOA Campgrounds the first weekend in May for the spring regional sidecar rally, if only for a hour or two.  Everybody would love to see you both alive, walking and talking....




It is good to see that J.R. and Avanell are both on the mend.  Jane and I missed seeing them last year at one of the rallies, the Sidecars in the Flint Hills Rally as I recall.  I won the award for being the oldest rider present.  That was a shock because I thought others at the rally were older and also because the Lewis' always win that category.  It is only when I look in the mirror that I realize I'm no longer 35.

I did 3 trips to emergency room.then they decided to go to ICU for 2 days then recovery. From there,6 weeks in  re-hab. Been home  2 weeks. Last week kidnuy Dr. released me,normal for age. Next , heart stress test. Get results from that on Friday. Visiting nurse 1 time a week,therapist 2 times a week for a while. I want to thank everyone for calls,mentions in forum and facebook  and  visits.  They were appreciated. Hope to be released soon.  Cardiagolist on Fri. will tell tale of what else needs to be done.  ill keep all notified.  J.R.

New update.  Going in Tue. for hart cathetar to find out what the problem is and fix it.  Thanks again for all the calls,messages and best wishes.  Sounds like they are planning on a stint,but don't know until the get in.  Let all know the results.  J.R.

Good news!  'Spoke with Avanell this afternoon and the doctors have let J.R. off the leash.  He can do normal stuff so long as he takes it easy.  They are free to travel and THEY WILL BE AT THE RALLY IN CdA.  It just wouldn't be the same without them.

Our Prayers, get well soon.

"Sometimes, it is Fun to let them Slowly pass by, then Smile, as they wipe the drewl of their face."