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Sidecarist Back Issues

As most of you know, I am in the process of converting ALL of the
SIDECARISTS from day ONE to CURRENT to e-format for a permanent
for free access to ALL sidecarists. Have now got up to August 1988.

At this time, I have a research library of MOST of the SIDECARISTS
but am still missing a few. I have exhausted the logical archives of
Steve Woodward, Editor, Al Roach, Membership, and Doug Bingham, SIP.

All that I am now missing is a small group listed below. If you can
ANY of the following, I will send you a CD of what Sidecarists have
converted to date, PLUS the postage you spent to send, plus I will
your Sidecarist(s) when finished. It is a WIN/WIN situation for

Before you send, please check with me as someone else might have
sent or arranged to send that issue, and I do not want to corner the
on Sidecarist back issues.

My e-mail is:

1994, Vol 18 NO 3

1993, Vol 17, NO 6

1992, Vol 16, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9(?)

1991, Vol 15, #5, #6

1989, Vol 13, NO 2

Once on e-format, then they can be printed on demand.


Hal Kendall